A Message from Carol
We help girls soar, blossom and thrive.
The Franciscan Handmaids and other African American orders of nuns in our country survived against the odds solely on faith, with few resources and very little support. They recognized that they had a significant mission and calling from God to make a difference with young children in their communities. Bernadette’s House has a similar story and has been successfully established with the same resilience and diligence to help young girls believe, blossom and soar no matter what obstacles may stand in their way. Our founding years have been filled with challenges as well as excitement. And, as we look back over the years since we started in October 2012, all we can do is raise our hands in praise and thank God for all that He has provided.
I shed tears of joy today because their story is also a part of my story. At one time, I was only a little girl being raised by these wonderful women. It was Sister Maria Bernadette who inspired me to be all that God created me to be. She believed that love, faith in God and having the proper social and life skills lead to a purposeful life. Bernadette’s House was founded on this belief, and my hope is that every young lady entering our doors will find that same love and nurturing environment. I am thankful to God for placing me in the care of these amazing women. There are two thoughts that come to mind as we move forward. We must all take responsibility for “Building the Dream” and “Being the Change” that will allow our girls the opportunity to become successful members of society. I am excited to share this vision with each of you, in believing in each girls’ dream, helping each girl to blossom in self- determination and equipping each girl with the necessary resources to soar boldly. Blessings Always, Carol Nash, Founder/CEO